The CR-10 is an amazing printer. However, it does take up quite a bit of precious area in my small workshop so I decided to build a thin case under it. The computer is in the rear part of of the case, and the front will have drawers for storage.
The Materials
- 1/4 MDF
- M4 screws
- CR-10 3d Printer
- Wood glue
The Tools
- CO2 laser cutter
The Build

Here is the original CR-10. There’s that big ugly box on the side of it. It’s so tall that another couple inches isn’t going to matter.
I took apart my CR-10 to examine all the wires, components, etc so I could get a good idea of where to place everything.
Here are the internals of the printer. Pretty basic stuff actually. The power supply is the biggest thing. The board for controlling stuff, the mosfet for handling high current to the heating bed, a couple fans. I also added a raspberry Pi to run OctoPrint.

Based on previous projects, I am not going to leave any tolerance for the drawer. I put 1-2mm before and there was a huge gap, so going to gamble with a perfect fit here.

I glued the drawer together to prevent any screws sticking out messing with the clearance. The main case however is bolted together with M3 hardware. Getting ready to mount the components in! I decided to add a 1mm clearance to the drawers, I think that’s the right amount for all projects going forward. I did a quick test with 0 and it was just too tight.

I used double sided tape to mount the power supply, Raspberry, and other stuff. Surprisingly all the hole cutouts I measured pretty accurately! Maybe I’m finally getting better at this.

Put everything back together, removed the printer rubber legs and let the printer sit flush on the enclosure. Everything fits perfectly, the drawer works great. I left the top screws off just in case I need to get back into the internals. Gravity does a good enough job of keeping it in place.

Back on line printing again. Steady helping to make masks/equipment for donation for this CoVid-19 thing.
I added a nice coat of matte black paint to match the printer. Normally I like to leave MDF unpainted, but wanted a more unified look for the printer.

I thought I did a pretty good job with the fan grill.

I left the inside of the drawer unpainted to make it easier to see the stuff inside.

Good morning! Thanks a ton for posting this. I am hoping you could possibly make the download link active again for this riser kit, as I’d like to make one. When I attempt to grab the downloadable file, it errors out.
Thanks again for the great design!
So sorry about that, I didn’t allow f3d filetypes to be downloaded. It’s fixed now! Thanks for checking it out!
Awesome, thanks so much!!!
Your download includes just 1 file, the drawer. Can you please include the rest of the housing when time permits? Thanks!
I love the concept but where is the LCD display?
Thanks!!! Good point… I use Octoprint exclusively so left it out, couldn’t think of a good place to put the LCD without it sticking out somewhere. Also didn’t have any ribbons laying around to build port.